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Tokyo Hot 20067 Faint In Agony CA

The training insulting that completely makes the masochist character of beautiful CA flower explodes. It is KUMIKO KANDA boasting the beautiful leg to have become the prey. KUMIKO of intellectual beauty is working always dashingly without the fail. She falls to disgusting man’s plaything starting with the debt though it was life naturally quite irrelevant to the TOKYO HOT and the masochist play. Semen is injected by incomprehensible men until the pussy collapses completely. It is contempt for specific constitution that not to feel if it is not tied up finally. It was unbelievable lower meat urinal life that bought and sold by little money that waited for pitiful elite CA. 美人CAのマゾ性を完全開花させる調教陵辱が炸裂!餌食となったのは美脚が自慢の神田来未子。知的美人の来未子は抜かりなくいつも颯爽として仕事。当然東熱ともマゾプレイとも全く無関係の生活でしたが借金をきっかけにキモ男どもの慰み者に転落。マンコが完全に壊れるまで訳の分からない男達に無理矢理ザーメンを注入される有様。遂には縛られないと感じない特異性体質にまで貶められます。哀れなエリートCAを待っていたのは僅かばかりの金で売買される信じられない最下層肉便器生活でした。


Kumiko Kanda

