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Caribbeancom 050415-868 Tsubasa Takanashi Estate wife Complex housing

Tsubasa Kozue (Takashi Takashi) had finished shopping as usual and headed home. What is different from usual is its awkward way of walking. I wish I had gone at a supermarket if this was the case. On the brink of whether you will make it in time or in time, God of the elevator Please come and pick me up today. However, the elevator in the complex does not come so easily as to betray Tsubasa's bladder. The elevator arrived at the last minute to the wife of the apartment holding a crotch in a public place. However, it was the usual sticky man who was riding in the elevator indefinitely. Oh, please do not talk to me now. Already, too, no! 小鳥遊つばさ(たかなしつばさ)はいつも通り買い物を済ませ自宅へ向かっていた。 いつもと違うのはそのぎこちない歩き方。 こんなことならスーパーで行ってくればよかった。 間に合うか間に合わないかの瀬戸際、どうかエレベーターの神様よ、今日はスムーズに迎えに来て。 しかし団地のエレベーターはつばさの膀胱を裏切るようになかなかやって来ない。 公共の場で股間を押さえてたたずむ団地妻のもとへぎりぎりのところでエレベーターが到着した。 が、無常にもそのエレベーターに乗っていたのはいつもの粘着男。 あぁ、おねがい、今は話しかけないでっ。 もう、もぅぅぅ、だめーぇぇ!

