Caribbeancom 072817-469 Yuki Makoto VIP course has a superb cabarer girlfriend
Today I hit a huge hole with horse racing so it is a rambling cabaret with a superb cabaret! Although it enters the shop tenaciously, the inside of the store is very busy and the girl does not come to his / her seat. While frustrated by men, they smoked and looked around, they discovered Mr. Yuki Makoto, the model-tightest superb caviar! Immediately calling a boy nominates Makoto, but the store is closed when Makoto waits to be next to Makoto when many people are waiting for it. Men got subsidiary and nominated in the VIP course and Makoto immediately came and took him to a separate room! What kind of service is VIP course?
今日は競馬で大穴当てたので極上のキャバクラで乱痴気騒ぎだー!と意気揚々とお店に入るが店内はとても忙しくなかなか女の子が席に来ない。男性はイライラしながらタバコを吸って辺りを見渡すとモデル張りの極上キャバ嬢の結希真琴を発見!すぐにボーイを呼んで真琴ちゃんを指名するが、真琴ちゃんの指名待ちが多く真琴ちゃんが隣に座るころには店が閉まっちゃうよ。男性はおもいきってVIPコースで指名すると真琴ちゃんが直ぐに来て別室に連れて行かれた!VIPコース ってどんなサービスなんでしょう。