Jukujo-club 6847 Woman bought with money Miki Mimi that I met in a dating system
A circle woman who met in a dating system, Miki. It is a category of beauty among I met. There are many poor women who do not have a charm in Bush's habit, but their attitude is good if they look good. It's a lucky day to be such a cute girl at work ... I thought that she was menstruation. But I have not got blood either, so I will let it go ...
出会い系で知り合った円女、ミキ。 俺が会ってきた中では美形の部類だ。 ブスのくせに愛嬌もない貧乏女が多い中、顔もよければ態度もいい。 仕事でこんな可愛い子とヤれるなんてラッキーな日だ… と思っていた矢先、彼女が生理ということが判明。 でも血も出てないし、このままヤってしまおう…