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FHD Amateur 292MY-289 She is treated like a housekeeper by her hairdresser's husband, and she escapes from reality because of her loneliness

She is treated like a housekeeper by her hairdresser's husband, and she escapes from reality because of her loneliness. Although she is a slender beauty with long limbs like a fashion model with glossy long hair, she is left behind by her husband and her expression is slightly cloudy. To clarify her feelings, she gently hugged her and told the warmth of a man that she opened a beautiful petal and had a lovely expression like another person! 美容師のご主人から家政婦の様な扱いを受け、その寂しさから現実逃避を図った若妻です。艶やかな長い髪とファッションモデルの様に細長い手足のスレンダー美女でありながらご主人に放置され表情も曇り気味…。そんな彼女の気持ちを晴らすべく、優しく抱きしめ男のぬくもりを伝えると美しい花びらを開き別人の様な可憐な表情を浮かべていました!

