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FHD Luxury Tv 259LUXU-1176 Luxury TV 1167 Experienced number of people only husband The sexual desire accumulated over many years

Mr. Sayuri Natsume, 37, visited us today. The occupation is an active teacher. As a student guidance, she is full of adult dignity as you can see from her clean appearance and interview responses. You can also see that she is married if you look at the ring on the left ring finger. My husband is a company employee working for a general company, and my husband and wife will be in their eighth year this year. My husband and wife are not bad, and I feel that there is no dissatisfaction with the story so far. However, since she had only her husband until now, and because he had a special propensity, she gradually moved away from sex. “I want to reconfirm what it was like sex…” she never applied for filming. When shooting begins, while blushing the face for a long time, shaking the whole body with a kiss or caress by the other actor, and swirling with a finger the secret place that moisturizes, "get out ... ah!" It comes out. It seemed that she could not hide the surprise herself, but if you look at the cock that is presented in front of you with your beloved eyes and you can taste the cheeks in your mouth as it is, you are mistaken for sex There is none. Please enjoy the obscene sex that a serious female teacher who did not give her husband. 本日お越し頂いたのは夏目小百合さん、37歳。職業は現役教師である。生徒たちを指導する立場である彼女は、清潔感のある容姿やインタビューへの受け答えからも分かる通り、大人の品格に溢れています。また、左手の薬指に嵌められた指輪を見れば、彼女が既婚者であることも理解出来ることでしょう。旦那様は一般企業に勤める会社員で、夫婦生活も今年で8年目になります。夫婦仲も悪くはなく、ここまでの話に不満は無いように感じます。しかしながら、真面目な彼女は今までに旦那様しか経験が無い上に、彼が特殊な性癖の持ち主であったため、徐々にセックスに対して距離を置いてしまったのです。「セックスとはどんなものだったのかを再確認したいんです…」と意を決して彼女は撮影へと応募したのでした。撮影が始まると、久々のセックスに顔を赤らめつつ、相手の男優によるキスや愛撫で全身を震わせ、しっとり潤う秘所を指でかき回せば「出る…ああんっ!!」と愛液が大量に漏れ出てくるのです。彼女自身も驚きを隠せない様子でしたが、目の前に差し出される男根を愛おしい瞳で見つめながら、そのまま口の中へ頬張り味わう様子を見れば、セックスの虜になっているのは間違いありません。旦那様しかしらなかった真面目な女教師が見せる卑猥なセックスを、ぜひお楽しみ下さい。


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