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FHD Center Village JRZD-911 Iwasawa Kayo First Shooting Wife Document Kayo Iwasawa

“The first time I watched AV was when I was small 2. I was secretly watching a video that my father hid ...” Kayo Iwasawa, 34 years old. A mother of a child who has been married for 8 years and usually works as a part of a distribution center. Kashiro, who has been more interested in sex than her classmates since childhood. Even now, AV seems to be often seen ... "Isn't all the AV actresses looking good? I was longing that the actor's technique was amazing." Sex with various men Mr. Kashiro says that he had an affair because he wanted to try it, but he said that a man who has sex like AV is unpleasant. “I have this, but I really don't like sex like imitating AV! That's a real actor, so I feel good.” Kashiro, who raises the shooting hurdle with Zubazuba. And then ... "Is it okay to say this ... I've been wondering whether the actress's acting is real or lie for many years (laughs)" Well, the world of AV that she longed for is really satisfying Is it! ? 「初めてAVを見たのは、小2のとき。父が隠していたビデオをこっそり見てました…。」岩沢香代さん34歳。普段は物流センターでパートとして働く、結婚8年目の1児の母。子供のころから周りの同級生よりも性に対する関心が高かったという香代さん。今でもAVはよく見ているそうで…「AV女優さんたちってみんな気持ちよさそうじゃないですか。やっぱり男優さんのテクニックって凄いんだろうなって憧れてました。」色んな男性とのセックスがしてみたくて浮気した経験もあるという香代さんだが、AVみたいなセックスをする男がとにかくイヤだという。「これはあるあるでしょうけど、AVの真似ごとみたいなセックスは本当にダメ!あれは本物の男優さんだから気持ちいいんです。違います?」ズバズバと撮影のハードルを上げてくる香代さん。そしてさらに…「こういうこと言っていいのか…女優さんの演技が本物なのか嘘なのかも長年気になってます(笑)」さぁ、彼女がずっと憧れていたAVの世界は、本当に満足させてくれるのか!?


Iwasawa Kayo