Isojin GOJU-116 Deep Sanction Sanction Sank In The Muddy Babaa! !It Is Unreasonable And Arrogant Decrease
Helicopter parent spree with the unreasonable quibble. Part of destination to relegation and cooked up the sexual harassment story. Self-proclaimed town chairman of the defiant attitude come threatened shoplifting addiction. Man beyond the limits of patience in the attitude of arrogant aunt us, block the annoying mouth with Deep Throating attack relentless, intense sanctions ....理不尽な難癖をつけまくるモンスターペアレント。セクハラ話をでっちあげて左遷するよう仕向けたパート。開き直って脅しをかけてくる万引き常習の自称町内会長。傲慢なおばさんたちの態度に我慢の限界を超えた男は、容赦ないイラマチオ攻撃でうるさい口を塞ぎ、強烈な制裁を加える…。