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FHD TakaraEizo SPRD-1164 My Mother-in-law, I'm Much Better Than My Wife

Her husband also died, and Reiko, who had lived alone in the country, heard that she bought a house from her daughter-in-law, and she went to Tokyo with a festive mood. The girl and the couple who met after a long time seemed to be fine and worked for a long trip. Ms. Reiko, who said she was second-hand, made me feel good at her new house, and told her she was a baby next time, she suddenly got into a bad mood and went out of the room. The girl says she hates Atchi and she is sexless for a while. I can not answer even if I ask for it. Reiko and Aoi, who became unhappy about it, apologized to each other. The next day, Yuko carelessly opens the bedroom of her daughter and wife to pick up their luggage, and the chicks are in the middle of masturbation. I was about to come out, but remembering yesterday's story, the habit of processing alone became lonely. And I felt good with my hands and mouth that it was special only today. Night of the day. When everyone went to bed, Aoi got up quietly and went to the bedroom of Ayako. Sexless and obscene abstainers continued to have a night crawling only if gentle gyoza is better than a wife who can not be satisfied with only blowjob but not a wife who is not allowed to make ....\ 夫も亡くなり一人田舎で暮らしていた佳子は、娘夫婦から念願だった戸建てを購入したと聞き、お祝いがてら旅行気分で上京してきた。久し振りに会った娘夫婦は元気そうで、長旅の佳子を労ってくれた。中古だというがなかなかの新居に気を良くした佳子は娘に次は赤ちゃんねと言うと、娘は急に不機嫌になり部屋から出て行ってしまった。婿が言うには娘はアッチの方が嫌いで暫くセックスレスになっていると。求めても応えてくれないと。それを聞き気まずくなった佳子と婿はお互い謝ってしまっていた。次の日、佳子は荷物を取りに娘夫婦の寝室を不用意に開けると、婿がオナニーの真っ最中。慌てて出ようとするが、昨日の話を思い出し、一人で処理をする婿が可哀想になってしまった。そして今日だけ特別だからと手と口で気持ち良くしていった。その日の夜。みんなが寝静まった頃、婿は静かに起き出すと佳子の寝室へ向かった。セックスレスで禁欲の続いていた婿はフェラだけで満足できる筈もなく、させてくれない妻より、優しい佳子の方がいいとばかりに夜這いをかけるのであった…。


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