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FHD Madonna JUY-893 Satomi Yuria Blitz Exclusive 1st! Dangerous Love Is A Taste Of Honey Immortal Relationships That Burn Up At Employee Travel Destinations

Our team, who has completed a three-year project that has been challenged with four members, has been given a company trip as a reward. As a result of having discussed together, it is to heal fatigue slowly in a long-established hot spring inn. While enjoying luxurious cuisine, delicious sake, and a long vacation, I couldn't get out of it. He had a secret favor with him who was younger but still worthy. Though they are married to each other, their feelings grow as the sake progresses. 4人体制で挑んできた3年に渡る大プロジェクトを成し遂げた私たちのチームは、ご褒美として社員旅行をプレゼントされた。皆で話し合った結果、老舗の温泉旅館でゆっくり疲れを癒すことに。豪華な料理、おいしい酒、久しぶりの休暇を満喫しながらも、私は羽田クンの事が頭から離れなかった。年下ながらも頼り甲斐のある彼に、密かな好意を抱いていたのだ。互いに既婚者の身でありながら、酒が進むにつれて想いは高まってゆき…。


Satomi Yuria


Madonna AV