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FHD PlanetPlus NACR-246 Hug me A single mother who fell in love with her neighbors Mirai Haruka

I am a professional husband. My wife works and makes a living. Mirai, who lives next door, is a single mother who has a baby. I ask for something by saying next to each other. Because she is young and beautiful, I am very happy to be asked. One day, she seemed to be jealous of her previous husband and children. She who was quite depressed said to me "Please hug me ..." 俺は専業主夫。妻が働いて生計を立てている。隣に住むみらいさんはバツイチ子持ちのシングルマザー。お隣同士と言う事で何かと俺を頼ってくる。若くて美人な彼女なので、頼られるととっても嬉しい。ある日、彼女は前の旦那と子供のことで喧嘩になったようだ。相当落ち込んでいた彼女は俺に「私を抱きしめてください…」と


Haruka Mirai


Planet Plus