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FHD Attackers ATID-345 Licking Commitment Father in laws Desire 3 Hatano Yui

Before my retirement, my wife and I have been with us, and since then we have co-resident sons and sisters living together. However, when I went to work and my son went to work and I was alone with my son's daughter-in-law Tomomi, I was driven by the urge to hold Tomami without a year-round. I wanted to hold it. I really wanted to hold it! ! I repeated thought and thought about a way to have Tomomi somehow. And someday in the afternoon, I recommended that I swallowed a bottle with a sleeping pill and started to sleep, and I completely licked Tomomi. 定年を前に妻に先立たれ、以来心配した息子夫婦が同居してくれている。だけど隠居して、息子が仕事に出かけ息子の嫁の知美と二人きりになると俺は年甲斐もなく知美を抱きたい衝動に駆られるようになった。抱きたかった。どうしても抱きたかった!!俺は思案を重ね、なんとかして知美を抱く方法を考えた。そしてある昼下がり、勧めるがままに睡眠薬入りの珈琲を飲み寝息を立てはじめた知美を俺は存分に舐め犯したのだった…。


Hatano Yui

