Bermuda KUD-004 Sneak Inspector The Desperate Situation!A Torn Woman Hatano Yui
エロ動画But to infiltrate organized crime investigators would be detained are revealed the identity - and endless torture is repeated! "Gold powder slave investigators," "black shock," "The Devil's prey", "brainwashing undercover investigator" Yui Hatano has remixed the four works that appeared in dressed as investigators culmination! Dressed in black suit Yui, slip into evil organization, a number of obscene torture to undergo become a captive ... 犯罪組織に潜入するが正体を暴かれて身柄を拘束されてしまう捜査官—–そして果てしない拷問は繰り返される!「金粉奴隷捜査官」「黒い衝撃」「悪魔の餌食」「洗脳潜入捜査官」波多野結衣が捜査官に扮して出演した4作品をリミックスした集大成!黒いスーツに身を包んだ結衣が、悪の組織に潜り込み、囚われの身となって受ける淫らな拷問の数々…