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FHD 277DCV-130 Please bind me to Gitchigi SM Otaku living in delusions is rope and candle with dude

I'm planning to pretend to a certain program called "Would you like to go to the house because I will pay a taxi fee?" To a woman who missed the last train, to call out to a house and go home. There is a human drama for that person's home, which is not tidied up. Report Report ① This time it hits in the vicinity of Ogikubo Station! I encountered a girls bar clerk at the end of work! I decided to get out of her house! ② Move to your home in Kichijoji by taxi! She seems to work for a slightly different shop, like cosplaying or kissing through Saran wrap. It is said that it is an apparel shop clerk during the daytime 終電を逃した女性に「タクシー代を支払うので家にいっていいですか?」という某番組のフリをし、声をかけ家まで行ってやっちゃおうという企画です。片付けきれていない素のお宅にはその人の人間ドラマがある。■報告レポート①今回は荻窪駅周辺に出没!仕事終わりのガールズバー店員さんに遭遇!彼女の家にお邪魔することになりました!②吉祥寺方面のご自宅までタクシーで移動!コスプレをしたりサランラップ越しにキスしたりと、ちょっと変わったお店に勤務しているみたい。昼間はアパレル店員だという


Yoko San
