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FHD 277DCV-128 Is it good to send it home case.128 All the faces are too cute 120 points Queen Master reign

I'm planning to pretend to a certain program called Would you like to go to the house because I will pay a taxi fee? To a woman who missed the last train, to call out to a house and go home. There is a human drama for that person's home, which is not tidied up. ■ Report Report ① This time it hits in the vicinity of Otsuka Station! Encounter SM who is returning from train! Congratulations when speaking about the planning content! Thank you! ② Move by taxi to your home in Takadanobaba direction! There are hard goods in the bag! Hey, no, it is quite a change of work, but he is enjoying himself. ③ Arrive at your home! Besides inside the house it is pretty that the interior of the strawberry pattern is aligned. I thought that, a stuffed bear that was tied up hanging up, I kept a snake .... ④ There are other related books related to SM 終電を逃した女性に「タクシー代を支払うので家にいっていいですか?」という某番組のフリをし、声をかけ家まで行ってやっちゃおうという企画です。片付けきれていない素のお宅にはその人の人間ドラマがある。■報告レポート①今回は大塚駅周辺に出没!なんと調教帰りのSM嬢に遭遇!企画内容を話すと快諾!ありがとうございます!②高田馬場方面のご自宅までタクシーで移動!バッグの中にはハードめなグッズがわんさか!ちょっと、いや、かなり変わったお仕事ですが、本人は楽しんでるご様子。③ご自宅に到着!家の中は以外にもイチゴ柄のインテリアが揃えてあったりと可愛らしい。かと思いきや、縛り上げられたクマのぬいぐるみがぶら下がってたり、蛇を飼っていたり…。④他にもSM関係の本が置いてあったり


Mr. Kamijo
