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FHD Madonna OBA-332 Captivates Us Dimensions Stopped Boarding House Aunt Minamisawa Yurie

The lodger of Minamisawa-soo leaving alone with one person, at last we are three people. I told that our lord and younger lady who started worrying about keeping the boarding house alone by myself begin to marry. We can not cook or wash. We made a plan to keep the old lady behind. He ran as a marriage partner of Auriga Aunt. But this plan triggered us to save Minami Sawaso but it would not destroy our crotch but this time I did not know. 一人また一人と去っていく南澤荘の下宿人、とうとう残ったのは僕ら3人。このまま下宿屋を一人で続ける事に不安を覚えた僕たちの大家・ゆりえおばさんが婚活を始めると言いだした。料理も洗濯も出来ない僕たちは、ゆりえおばさんを思い留まらせる為のある計画を立てた。ゆりえおばさんの結婚相手に立候補したのだ。しかし、この計画がきっかけで南澤荘は救えても僕たちの股間を滅ぼす事になるとは、この時は知る由もなかった…。


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