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FHD Luxury TV 259LUXU-1052 Sayuri Mitsushima 29-year-old harp player

A woman with a quiet character, a unique atmosphere and cheerfulness came to me in a calm setting. He seems to be a harp player in the profession, it is a sophisticated lady full of elegance putting herself in the world of music since I was small. There seems to be some experiences playing with sefre in the past, but it is free now. It seems that this time I decided to appear with interest in AV. immediately 落ち着いた佇まいにお淑やかな性格、独特の雰囲気と色気を持った女性が来てくれました。ご職業はなんとハープ奏者だそうで、小さい頃から音楽の世界に身を置いていた気品溢れるお嬢様です。過去にはセフレもいたりと遊んだ経験もあるそうですが、今はフリーとのこと。今回はAVへの興味で出演を決めてくれたそうです。早速


Luxury TV