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FHD Madonna JUY-687 Outstanding Style G - Cup Glamor And My Short - Haired Daughter - In - Law Continued To Be Taken Down By My Seniors While I Was A Student

Mr. and Mrs. Takigawa who are planning to renovate their current residence for the future for a year after marriage. When I contacted the vendor there, what I came was my senior Kimura, my husband's student days. I will forgive my wife · fruit, looking at her husband who is hungry for him. Actually it was distorted idiosyncrasy that remembers pleasure in taking a woman and was a Kuzu who robbed her husband's partner several times in the past. Since it has not been done at all Kimura has been committed, he continued to be fiddled with him visiting with the name of renovation 結婚して1年、今の住居を将来に備えてリフォームしようと考えている滝川夫妻。そこで業者に連絡をすると、なんとやってきたのが夫の学生時代の先輩・木村だったのだ。彼に心酔する夫を見て、妻・穗乃果も心許すのだが…。実際は女を寝取る事に悦びを覚える歪んだ性癖で、過去に夫の交際相手を何度も奪ったクズ男だった。なすすべなく木村に犯されてしまった穗乃果は以来、リフォームという名目で訪れる彼に弄ばれ続けて…。


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