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Luxury TV 259LUXU-266 Minato violet 29 years old Large enterprise receptionist

Half series beauty celebrity wife came to AV shoot with foreign car. My husband has been transferred to Kyushu as a single person, and I feel lonely and stress has accumulated. The husband who works as the company's manager is working almost every day on weekends so if I move alone, I can not meet all three months in a row. I have a face that luxury car really suits you. It is 148 cm and ultra-mini size wife who is standing upright and looks beautiful and mature like a mature face. The gap is good. If I was ordinary that my husband was not at home, I'm afraid to have fun with it, but I am sure he got frustrated. "I would like my wife to feel comfortable today" as I said, "Yes ... yes" and nodded ハーフ系の美人セレブ人妻が外車でAV撮影に来てくれました。旦那さんが九州に単身赴任中で、寂しくてストレスが溜まってしまったとのことです。会社の責任者として働く旦那さんはほぼ土日も休みなく働いているので単身赴任になるとほぼ3ヶ月丸々会えないんだとか。高級車が本当に似合う顔してます。立ってもらうと美人で大人っぽい顔立ちとは裏腹に148センチと超ミニサイズな奥様。ギャップがいいですね。夫が家にいないなんて普通だったらお気楽に楽しく過ごせそうですけど、きっと欲求不満になってしまったのでしょう。「今日は奥さんに気持ちよくなってもらいたいんです」と言うと「は…はい」と照れてうなずきました




Luxury TV