279UTSU-255 Dubious SM sex drinking and drugs
SM sex with a cup of dubious medicine. This seems to be commonplace affair life of these two men. Being bound hand and foot on that is a collar like a dog, is a married woman who can afford to still laugh, but entranced Ahe face and medicine begins to have an effect. The drenched piston in the oil-soaked licked until the hole in the ass, blast a "feels good!"! Indeed nature is de transformation ... 怪しげなおクスリを飲んでSMセックス。これがこの二人の当たり前の不倫生活のようです。犬のように首輪をされた上に手足を拘束され、まだ笑う余裕がある人妻さんですが、クスリが効き始めるとうっとりアヘ顔。オイルまみれでグチョグチョピストンにおしりの穴まで舐められて、「きもちいい!」を連呼!さすが本性はド変態…