PlanetPlus NACR-181 Father's Husband After Too Young Kikukawa Mitsuba
Last month, his father remarried. He was 21 years old! After getting his father to this young girl. No matter how funny. Assets of the father decides to. I've seen taking care of my father after my mother died, his second wife's out of the way for, and there is no way. Even by force to do something about this guy. I took the yobai determined guilty of doing. 先月、父親が再婚した。相手はなんと21歳!還暦を迎えた父親にこの若い娘…。どう考えてもおかしい。親父の財産が目当てに決っている。母が死んだ後、親父の面倒を見てきた俺にとっては後妻なんて邪魔で仕方がない。力ずくでもこいつをどうにかしなければ…。俺は夜這いをかけて犯してやろうと決心した。