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Hitodzumaengokai/Emanuel MYBA-002 Housewife's Petal Turning Tomita Hundred Incense

Tomita-san who is becoming suspicious because he is cheap for sex and because he is cheating on other ladies due to it. Male experiences are few, I do not know how to please men, and she also seems that she does not know the splendor of sex. Tentatively this time to have you experience the pleasures of sex rather than learning the technique to please a man and to have fun know. It is a fairly discreet woman, but her husband's appearance for her husband was very healthy and beautiful.自分がセックス下手でそれが原因で主人は他の女性と浮気をしているのではと、疑心暗鬼になっている富田さん。男性経験も少なく、どう男を悦ばせるのか分からず、そればかりか彼女自身もセックスの素晴らしさを知らない様子。とりあえず今回は、男を悦ばすテクニックを学ぶよりもセックスの快感を体感してもらい楽しさを知ってもらう事に。かなり控えめな女性ですが、ご主人のために一肌脱ぐ姿はとても健気で美しかった。


Tomita Momoka