FHD Madonna JUY-605 Voice Weeping Wife President's Secretary Events Held At The Company's Founding 20th Anniversary Party. Hato Tsubasa
Taizo, the president who has made the company big in a lifetime. A party was held at Taizen Miyake to celebrate the milestone of the 20th anniversary. An employee who has joined in there. In particular, my wife and president's secretary Tsubasa was Taizo's favorite. Then, Thaiso threw away the body of Wing tassel during the party. Tsubasa who felt the pleasure could only put up with a voice without being able to make a voice, but Taizo wanted to do it again and again for many times over and over again to seek a wig ... .一世一代で会社を大きくした社長の泰三。20周年の節目を記念して泰三宅でパーティーが開催された。そこに参加した社員の八乃夫婦。とりわけ妻で社長秘書のつばさは泰三のお気に入りだった。すると、こともあろうことか泰三がパーティー中につばさの身体をまさぐってきた。恩義を感じているつばさは声を出せずにただ我慢をするだけだったが、泰三はそれを良い事に何度も何度も射精をしては、更につばさを求めていくのだった…。