FHD Fitch JUFD-950 Caregiver Bondage Slave Maenap Training Tragedy On Bombs Maki Takarada
Icup Big Breasted actress, popular explosion actress · Maki Takarada Momo finally banned from the hemp. Momoni who worked carelessly while sleeping to earn medical expense for mother's illness was to take care of Taizo of the lord suffering from diabetes and dementia with village owners who was dispatched as a caregiver. She was not aware that Nada is hard to take care of Taizo who is being touched by two sons who are aiming for a large asset. To Taizo 's hilarious nature .... One day, a man suspected of stealing was handled as a sinner and tied up tightly with hemp rope ....人気爆発中のIcup爆乳女優・宝田もなみがついに麻縄緊縛解禁!母の病気の治療費を稼ぐため寝る間も惜しんで働くもなみは介護士として派遣された村主気で糖尿と認知症を患う主の泰造の面倒をみる事になった。多額の財産を狙う二人の息子に冷遇される泰造を懸命に世話するもなみだが、彼女は気づいてはいなかった。泰造の猟奇的な本性に…。ある日、盗みの疑いをかけられたもなみは罪人扱いされ麻縄できつく縛り上げられて…。