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Luxury TV 259LUXU-992 Small Summer 26 years old teacher

"Very ... I am nervous ..." her name is Mr. Haruka, 26 years old, who speaks with a smiling face with a little stiffness. He says he is a teacher at the school in school now. Appearance that a little inferivity still remains, yet it is preeminent in style. If you are such a beautiful woman you will definitely become the attention of pupil 's students. If students were to get sick sickness everyday I would not go to the health department for Mr. Haruka san ... I do not need to worry about it anymore. To avoid it, he says he is trying to work at school as dirty as possible. Despite being cute looking, there is no boyfriend. Besides, I have not had six years since I was twenty years old. It seems that he worked hard for his current job. The motive behind the appearance of Mr. Haruka . 「とても…き、緊張してます…」と、少し強張った笑顔で話す彼女の名前は遥夏さん、26歳。今は学校で保健室の先生をしているという。少しあどけなさが残る容姿、それでいてスタイル抜群。これほどの美女だと思春期の生徒の注目の的になることは間違いないだろう。生徒だったら毎日仮病をつかって遥夏さん目当てに保健室へ通ってしまうのではないか…なんて余計な心配が浮かんでくる。そうならない為にも、学校ではなるべく地味な服装で仕事をするように心がけているという。オトナ可愛いルックスであるにも関わらず、彼氏はいない


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