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SIRO AV SIRO-3507 Retired at a 23 years old at a bookstore

Miki Iiyakari came over by a girl who is perfect for amateurs, in an ornamental, rustic atmosphere. In addition to appearance, work is part-time job at book stores, hobbies are shopping at reading (about five books a week as much as they read more), watching movies and contents are rustic. Such a nice guy, surprisingly the voice volume is great. Often it is surprising customers to shout out loudly unintentionally during a bite. The person himself seems to be a little complex, but from around it is popular, and from the shouting loud voice it is called with a nick called "LIKE CRY · MEE" with half the meaning of half-hearted from the shouting loud voice ing. But the voices shown in bytes are only a part. The real power of Mr.'s voice was not such a thing. Her way of gauging, voice volume, voice color, behavior, very erotic. Sometimes we shout, raise a voice that seems to be in the bottom of my mind, as if I'm tasting enough pleasures sometimes not of this world. It seems that it does not matter whether the camera turns or not. It seems as if you were possessed by a devil.飾り気のない、素朴な雰囲気の、素人モノにうってつけの女の子、飯倉めいさんがやってきてくれた。容姿だけでなく、仕事は本屋でアルバイト、趣味は読書(週に5冊程のペースで読むほど大好き)に買い物、映画鑑賞と、中身も素朴だ。そんなめいさんだが、意外にも声量は大きい。バイト中、不意に大声を出してお客さんを驚かせたりすることがしばしばあるほどだ。本人はちょっとしたコンプレックスに感じているが、周りからは「元気が良い」と好評で、その叫ぶような大声から、半分からかい、半分親しみの意味を込め「ライク・クライ・めい」というあだ名で呼ばれている。しかしバイトで見せている声はほんの一部。めいさんの声の真の力はそんなものではなかった。彼女の喘ぎ方、声量・声色・挙動、とてもエロい。時には叫ぶように、時にはこの世のものではない程の快楽を味わっているかのような、心底気持ちよさそうな声を上げる。カメラが回っていようがなりふり構わ構わないその様は。まるで悪魔にでも取り憑かれたようだ。
