Prestige KBI-001 KANBi Exclusive First Volume!Transparent Feeling 120% Married Wife Of Kobe, Hoaka Yonekura 34 Years Old
34-year old married woman who came from Kobe debuted as KANBi exclusive actress "Honda Yonekura"! A calm appearance and tone of overflowing warmth, affection that we occasionally blur in sharpened elegance. I am building a good couple relationship with my husband who got married at the end of company love affair, but I wonder if sex exists once a month. Even sex with two sefre was less satisfied, and it came to appearance. To the contrary to innocence and innocence, both self and others can be admitted 'deformed'. If you masturbate, you scatter a lot of tide and blow off, repeat the service you put in from the tip to the root repeatedly, repeat the cum with ecstatic expression on the rough piston. The beautiful wife who exposed the hilarious nature drowns in an exciting and sweet moment that is far from everyday ... ....神戸からやって来た品行方正な34歳の人妻がKANBi専属女優『米倉 穂香』としてデビュー!穏やかな佇まいと温かみ溢れる口調、研ぎ澄まされた気品の中で時折滲ませる愛くるしさ。社内恋愛の末に結婚したご主人と良好な夫婦関係を築いているが、セックスは月に一度あるかどうか。セフレ2名とのセックスでも飽き足らず、出演に至った。清廉潔白な装いとは裏腹に、自他共に認める‘ド変態’。オナニーをすれば多量の潮を吹き散らし、フェラをさせれば先端から根元まで丹精込めた奉仕を繰り返し、荒々しいピストンを浴びせれば恍惚の表情を浮かべて絶頂を繰り返す。淫猥な本性をさらけ出した美人妻は日常とかけ離れた刺激的で甘美なひと時に溺れる…。