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Oyashoku Company / Mousozoku OYC-198 In This Era, A Professor Called A Teacher Who Becomes Problematic If It Makes A Bit Of A Pupil To A Student

In this era, it is a professor who is a problematic teacher if you make it a bit stricter for the students ... but I made up a trivial problem of the girls studying as a big problem and chased them to suspended school! I visit homes of falling girls' students and look over reflections sentences and tasks but I can not write at all ... If there is a dropout as it is, I will pursue them further and demand the girls students to use the position! Girls who wish to return to school do not refuse anything, so they do not matter, they can do it without saying anything!今の時代、生徒にちょっとでも厳しくしたら問題なる先生という職業だが…ターゲットにしている女子生徒の些細な問題を大問題のようにでっち上げ、停学処分に追い込んだ!落ち込む女子生徒の家に家庭訪問し反省文や課題に目を通すが全然書けていない…このままじゃ退学もありえると更に追い込み、立場を利用し女子生徒に奉仕を要求!学校に復帰したい女子生徒は何をしても拒否しないので問題にならないどころか言いなりでやり放題!

