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FHD Fitch FINH-065 Drowsiness Drowning In Sexual Matting Mating Obedience Athlete Takeda True

Mr. Hatanaka of the former Swim team and her true student got to know through school activities. Truth that worshiped Hatanaka as a leader despite Hatanaka 's dismissal dismissal half a year ago was pushed to Hatanaka' s house and asked for guidance. However, the guidance of Hatanaka who was living a rough life progresses in a distorted direction .... We will repeat obscene acts called Hatanaka before training with a truly exercised body, but we will gladly accept the behavior in such a field and bloom maso's talent ... ...元水泳部監督の畑中とその教え子の真は学校の部活動を通して知り合った。半年前に畑中が懲戒免職になったにも関わらず指導者として畑中を崇拝していた真は畑中の家に押しかけ指導を仰いでいた。しかし荒れた生活を送っていた畑中の指導は歪んだ方向へと進んでいき…。逞しく鍛えられた真の肉体を前に畑中はトレーニングと称した猥褻な行為を繰り返すが、そんな畑中の行動を真は喜んで受け入れマゾの才能を開花させていく…。


Takeda Makoto


Fitch AV