MidnightSnackCompany OYC-193 Chie Aoi Shared Houses In The City Are Spoiled After Drinking At Home With A Mixed-share House Of Men And Women
There was a rumor story saying that someone of residents seemed to have broken that rule if they drank home at a mixed-sex sharehouse with a rule saying "There is no sex inside sharehouses!" While saying "I can not forgive you", a man and a woman who gets drunk and drunk with "If so, us! Without ballet Ok, in various places such as a room, a bath and a toilet, if it is still not enough, replace each other's partners 揃 揃 揃 揃 揃 揃 揃 揃 揃 揃 揃 揃 揃 揃 揃 揃 揃 揃 揃 揃 揃 揃 揃 揃 揃 揃 揃 揃 揃 揃 揃 揃 揃 揃 揃 揃 揃 揃! !「シェアハウス内はセックス禁止!」というルールがある男女混合シェアハウスで宅飲みしてたら、住人の誰かがそのルールを破ったらしいという噂話が!「許せない!」とか言いながら、「それならボクたちも!」と酔ってイチャイチャしだす男女。バレなきゃOKと、部屋や風呂やトイレなど色んな場所でおっぱじめ、それでもヤリ足りないと、お互いのパートナーを入れ替えチ○コもマ○コもシェアして男女入り乱れての大乱交に!!