VENUS VENU-793 Airi Nanase Nishise Ichiri Who Is Married To A Father-in-law Who Was Retired From Retirement Age
Become a happy new married life. I thought that was a dream. Alas, alas, the reality was like every hesitant hell that my sister father announced sarcasm. Even though I had consulted my husband who was feeling the limit, I could not keep my husband informed of my real father 's figure. Mercilessly saying little words after being standing in the abyss of despair. However, it is not finished with just a small word, but suddenly it begins touching the body of the mind.幸せな新婚生活になる。あいりはそう夢見ていた。だが、悲しいかな、現実は事あるごとにいちいちうるさい義父が嫌味を言ってくる地獄のような毎日だった。限界を感じていたあいりは夫に相談するも、義父の本当の姿を知らない夫に取り合ってもらえず…。絶望の淵に立たされたあいりに、容赦なく小言が降り注ぐ。しかし、小言だけでは終わらず突然あいりの身体を触りはじめ…。