FHD SODCreate SDMU-842 In The Development Of A Sporty New Lingerie The Three OLs Who Work For A Certain Underwear Maker Themselves Are Modeling Volunteers They Slurp Themselves With Their Underwear Appearance
Cast: Ai Ari Mizuno Chaoyang Nishinomiya Konomi Director: Nagasame Series: SOD Manufacturer: SOD CREATE Label: SOD create Genre: OL, Sister, Slender, Lingerie, Planning, Sample Movie Product code: 1sdmu 842 The apparel company will do in-house competition in developing sports lingerie. When the design department Ace · Mizuno makes the best use of his plentiful flesh and takes the lead, the idea of one company Woman · Hana also follows this with a prepared resolution. The youngest designer Nishimiya of the 3rd year who was listening to the waiting room with the walls separated by the wall was also stretching out with young people and having a weak nature to possess ....
出演者: 星奈あい 水野朝陽 西宮このみ 監督: ながしめ シリーズ: SOD メーカー: SODクリエイト レーベル: SODクリエイト ジャンル: OL,お姉さん,スレンダー,ランジェリー,企画,サンプル動画 品番: 1sdmu842 アパレル会社がスポーツランジェリーの開発にあたって社内コンペを行う。デザイン部エース・水野が自らの豊満な肉体を最大限に活かして先陣を切ると、社内一のアイデアウーマン・星奈も決死の覚悟でこれに続く。その二人の様子を壁一枚隔てた控室で聞き耳を立てていた、3年目の最年少デザイナー・西宮も若さと持ち前の負けず嫌いな性格で体を張っていく…。