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2018-06-06 49

FHD Bibian BBAN-182 Cheer Girl Lesbian I Want To Connect With My Senior Of Adoration Kanri Miyani Vanri Miya

New semester of spring break. Suddenly that girl came. A freshman of a freshman who has longed for Zhu Li that is active in Cheer's Department and has been calling out to see him for a long time. Although her junior girlfriend liked her, it was Shuri who did not feel bad at the beginning. It seems somewhere that Gokuri's line of sight is unpleasant and I know that the word "like" she says is different from what I thought. While puzzled, young civilians lesbian of two beautiful girls caught by cute juniors and culminates! ! 春休み明けの新学期。突然、その子はやってきた。チア部で活躍する朱里に憧れて、ずっと会いたかったと声をかけてきた新入生の実里。後輩である彼女に好意を抱かれ、最初は悪い気のしなかった朱里だったのだが…。実里の視線はどこかいやらしく、彼女の言う「好き」という言葉が、思っていたものと違うことを知ってしまう。戸惑いながらも、可愛い後輩に襲われ絶頂してしまう、美少女2人の青春部活レズビアン!!


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