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CenterVillage JRZD-808 First Shot 50th Wife Document Yayoi Matsushita

"My husband is retired this year at the age of 5, but I have gotten old enough since I lost physical condition 3 years ago ..." Yayoi Matsushita, 55, is coming from Setagaya-ku. Golf with two children is a professional full-time housewife with a hobby. Her master who will be married for 25 years will retire at retirement this year. "I do not want to work anymore, no matter what I do, I do not have any ambition and I have not gone to golf recently." Yayoi who did not feel such a husband's charm as such husband. "Well, can you really do it with a young man like this one or more ...?" She looks younger actor more than I imagined, shyness like a maid has revived and she keeps tension rising. Today I would like to show off to himself the active person who will show off to my late husband... 主人は5歳上で今年定年なんですけど、3年前に体調を崩して入院して以来すっかり老け込んじゃいまして…」世田谷区よりお越しの松下弥生さん55歳。2人の子を持つゴルフが趣味の悠々自適な専業主婦。結婚25年目になるご主人は今年で定年退職。「もう働きたくないって、何をするにもまったく覇気がなくなってしまって最近はゴルフにも行かなくなって。」そんなご主人に夫としての魅力を感じなくなってしまった弥生さん。「えっ、こんな一回り以上も若い男性と…本当にしちゃっていいんですか?」自分の想像していた以上に若い男優を見て乙女のような恥じらいが蘇りテンション上がりっぱなしの彼女。今日はしょぼくれた夫に見せつけるようなご自身の現役ぶりを発揮していただきます!