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Senta-birejji IQQQ-05 Reiko KitakawaMarried Wife Teacher Getting 10 Times Wet In A Cum Class That Can Not Speak

エロ  Teacher veteran beauty teacher Reiko has a good reputation at school and trust from school and students was enormous. However, it is known to the bad student · Ikeda that corporal punishment to a certain student before was made. Ikeda has requested to have a physical relationship if you want to continue teaching life. Refusing to dismiss the relationship if there is a fear of disciplinary punishment and will continue to accept Reiko who wishes to keep his appearance as a teacher in the future but because of youth there is sexual desire and Ikeda's demand is escalated and Reiko grabbed a weakness Gradually .... 教鞭を執るベテラン美人教師・礼子は学校での評判もよく、学校や生徒からの信頼は絶大だった。だが以前とある生徒へ体罰をしていたことが不良生徒・池田に知られてしまう。教師生活を続けたければ肉体関係を持つことを要求してきた池田。関係を断われば懲戒免職の恐れもあり、今後も教師としての体裁を守りたい礼子は仕方なく受け入れるが、若さ故に性欲があり余る池田の要望はエスカレートしていき、弱みを握られた礼子は次第に…。


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