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Venus VEC-301 Asaya Takeuchi Jav Sex Mother's Best Friend

エロ まん か 先生 My mother's best friend, Maaya, who fought with her husband and came out of the house, was to hurry. My best friend's son, Junichi is overlooked by beautiful skin of beautiful maaya and pretty incense in outstanding style. Junichi who my mother went to work and became alone with Maaya. However, Jun'ichi who is not accustomed to women other than mother, and gradually becomes nervous and the body gets sweaty. Maaya who saw such a situation glows a mischievous heart, approaches Junichi with a funny smile, makes body touching and body touching .... 旦那と喧嘩して家を飛び出してきた母の親友・麻耶が急遽泊まることになった。親友の息子・淳一はスタイル抜群で美人な麻耶の綺麗な肌や妖艶な色香に見惚れてしまう。母が仕事に行き麻耶と二人きりになった淳一。しかし母以外の女性には慣れておらず、次第に緊張して身体が汗ばんでいく淳一。そんな様子を見た麻耶はイタズラ心に火がつき、妖艶な笑みを浮かべながら淳一に近寄り、身体を密着させてボディタッチをしていく…。

