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Mature Fuck Record of extraordinary idiotic wishes that married women hunger for carnal desire. The married women who accumulate complaints in peaceful days drown in the sweet pleasures each imagined. "I'd like to be caught in a deca and a cow," "I want to be touched the whole body with exquisite technique", "I want to drown in a hot affair with a young man." A body that moves away from pleasure, as opposed to sexual techniques that are being polished each year. As I strike all that lament, I will eat up and keep on the cock in front of me. Those who were unleashed from their everyday days remembered the joy of 'Woman' who had forgotten .. 肉欲に飢えた人妻たちが望む非日常的な痴態の記録。平穏な日々の中で不平不満を溜め込む人妻たちが、それぞれの思い描く甘美な快楽に溺れていく。「デカいチ○コでイカされまくりたい.」、「絶妙なテクニックで全身を弄られたい.」、「若い男との熱い情事に溺れたい.」。年を重ねるごとに磨かれていく性のテクニックに反するように、快楽から遠ざかっていくカラダ。その嘆き全てをぶつけるように、目の前の肉棒に喰らいついていく。鬱屈した毎日から解き放たれた彼女たちは忘れかけていた’女’の喜びを思い出していく.。


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