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Madonna OBA-353 Ayaka Sumiyoshi Friend's Mother Is Dying To Be Love

My newborn son / academy said "After all it is decided that the newer one is better!", Ayaka's depressed mother. But Ryuichi, a student's friend, refutes "There are many good things that can be old!" That should be that, Ryuichi has a fascinating admiration for Ayaka .... Ayaka who was losing confidence as a woman with her husband also got wet from the pleasure despite puzzled by the confession from Ryuichi, gradually invited himself boldly. However, a situation occurs in which the relationship between two people is torn apart .... 新し物好きの息子・学に「やっぱり女は新しい方がいいに決まってる!」と言われ、落ち込む母・綾香。だが学の友達・隆一は「古くてもいいものはたくさんある!」と反論する。それもそのはず、隆一は綾香に淡い憧れを抱いており…。夫ともご無沙汰で女としての自信を失いかけていた綾香は、隆一からの告白に戸惑いながらも求められる悦びに濡れ、徐々に自ら大胆に誘うようになる。だが、二人の関係を引き裂く事態が起こり…。


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