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GloryQuest GVG-500 FHD Piss Company Limited Megumi Shino Mao Hamasaki Yuri Momose

At first glance it looks like an ordinary office. Actually, the employee was a horrible company named piss mania. Female employees who took off their own panties offices of after-hours 5 gets pissed off with male employees with laughter. Employees who are covered with urine and irreconcilably. And they planned a welcome party for new female employees as a new comr .... 一見ごく普通に見えるオフィス。実は社員が小便マニアという恐ろしい会社だった。アフター5のオフィスは自らパンティを脱いだ女子社員たちが笑い声と共に男子社員に小便を浴びせまくる。小便まみれで淫らに乱れる社員たち。そして彼らは新たなる同志として新入女子社員の歓迎会を画策するのであった…。


Glory Quest