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Men’sLAB BLMC-001 Know Was A Woman Of Joy Reincarnation For The First Time Try Dug Innocence Boy SUBARU

My boy SUBRU's trouble is that she likes men more than women. He has been dating only with women without saying anyone. On this day, he took off the contradiction by becoming a 'woman' himself, and had a physical relationship with a man. A beautiful girl that everyone sees twice, a big transformation to a girlfriend grandly! ! 美少年SUBRU君のお悩みは、予てから女性よりも男性が好きだという事。誰にも言えないまま、女性とだけ付き合ってきた彼。いよいよこの日、彼は自身が’女’になる事によって矛盾を取り除き、男と肉体関係を持つのだった。誰もが二度見するほどの美少年、華々しく女装子に大変身!!


Men’s LAB