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Luxury TV 259LUXU-683 Yuri Takehara Luxury TV 664 24-year-old announcer

Yuri Takehara, a beautiful woman somewhere mysterious and wearing a magical atmosphere. This is the second appearance. Although she is such a beautiful boyfriend ... There is nothing wrong. Recently I'm comforting masturbating because I do not have a boyfriend .... I'm thrilled with Yuri who speaks with a little smile. I am nervous, but I feel that there are more smiles somewhat than last time. Well, Yuria is such a beautiful milk with a slender style and well-tailored white skin. It seems to be a little M, and I feel it with whole body while blushing my cheeks for words, guidance, guidance, fingers and tongue use made by men. Yuri also switched on, drinking the cock until deep inside the throat, looking at the expression that the man is pleased and smiling. Its eyes are like a female leopard who lost reason. Yuri who finally accepts the cock after it gotten enough sensitivity is enough enough ... It goes without saying that he will culminate while violating his voice over and over again. Please enjoy the sex of beautifully and obscurely Yuria who is far from the clean image. どこかミステリアスでそして妖艶な雰囲気を纏った美女、竹原ゆりさん。今回2回目の登場です。こんなに美人なのに彼氏がいないとは…勿体無いですね。彼氏がいないので最近はオナニーで慰めているとのこと…。少し照れ笑いを浮かべながら話してくれるゆりさんにドキッとしてしまいますね。緊張しているには違いませんが、前回よりもどこか笑顔が多い気がします。さて、そんなゆりさんですが、透き通るような白い肌にスレンダーなスタイルと整った美乳の持ち主です。少しM気があるようで、男のネットリとした言葉や誘導、指や舌使いに、頬を赤らめながら全身で感じてしまいます。ゆりさんもスイッチが入ったのか、喉の奥深くまで男根を飲みこみ、男が喜ぶ表情を見て笑みを浮かべます。その目つきはまるで理性を失った雌豹の様…。十分すぎるほど感度が高まった後、ようやく男根を受け入れるゆりさんですが…何度も何度も声を荒げながら絶頂を迎えるのは言うまでもありません。清楚なイメージとはかけ離れた、美しくも卑猥なゆりさんのセックスを、是非ご堪能下さい。


Yuri Takehara


Luxury TV