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Prestige AKA-041 I Want To Get Sick Of 5

It is their everyday appearance sent from a pair of men and women. There are a lot of extraordinary affair unfolded in one room of a certain apartment ... There. She is strikingly beautiful with legs stretching slenderly and calming speech. If you overlap your lips, invite estrus with a rich kiss and invite you to ejaculate with a polite tongue if you give me a stick. The body stimulated by the toy deprived of freedom of hands and feet repeatedly reaches culminate, leaks obscene sounds from the genital area. I got a relaxing piston with the inserted meat rod, and dripped semen from the back of the vagina and got an ecstatic expression. Always seeking new stimuli, the men and women who live in desire will drown in a different world in ours .... 一組の男女から送られてきたのは彼らの日常の姿。とあるマンションの一室で繰り広げられる非日常的な情事の数々がそこに…。すらりと伸びる美脚と落ち着いた語り口が印象的な彼女。唇を重ねれば濃厚なキスで発情を誘い、肉棒を差し出せば丁寧な舌遣いで射精へと誘う。手足の自由を奪われて玩具で刺激された身体は繰り返し絶頂を迎え、陰部からは卑猥な音を漏らす。挿入された肉棒で執拗なピストンを浴びせられ、膣奥から精液を垂れ流し恍惚の表情を浮かべる。常に新たな刺激を求め、欲望のままに過ごす男と女はふたりきりの異質な世界に溺れていく…。


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