Hibino NTR-066 FHD Nao Wakana My Daughter 's Wife Was Taken Down As A Licking Man In My Company' S Kissing Subordinate
Brought her husband, company employee, who is the second year married to Nao. When you get intoxicated, your subordinate who becomes a kisser becomes a drunk in front of her husband and kisses Nao. My husband is upset but I feel silent when I can not grow up. But because of that, the relationship between Nao and his subordinates has continued, and eventually Nao will get absorbed in her feelings of her husband 's lips and get it from himself.
奈央と結婚2年目の夫、会社の部下を連れてくる。酔うとキス魔になる部下は夫の目の前で酔っぱらって奈央にキスをする。動転する夫だが怒るのも大人げないと その場では黙る。しかしそれがきっかけで奈央と部下の関係は続いていてついには奈央は夫の部下の唇の感触に夢中になり自分から求めてしまう。