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JUL-394 MADONNA How I Wound Up Sharing A Hotel Room With My Gorgeous Boss On A Business Trip Tsubaki Kato

It's been two years since I joined the women's esthetic equipment manufacturer, and it's thanks to senior Kato that I'm still making mistakes and I can't give up. She was beautiful, kind, and able to work ... I started to admire my seniors who are Madonna of the company. This time with such a senior, I decided to go on a day trip alone. However, due to my mistake, I had to stay overnight in a hurry ... I managed to stay alone in one of the vacant rooms I found ... 女性用エステ器具メーカーに入社して2年、いまだにミスが絶えない出来損ないの僕が諦めず仕事を続けられているのは、加藤先輩のおかげだった。美しくて優しくて仕事も出来て…会社のマドンナ的存在である先輩にいつしか憧れを抱くようになっていた。そんな先輩と今回は、二人きりで日帰り出張へ行く事になった。しかし、僕のミスのせいで急遽一泊する事になり…なんとか見つけた空き部屋一つに二人きりで泊まる事になって…。
