Hachin Prestige Exclusive Actress
10 minutes A 21-year-old beautiful girl Shiho Fujie with a soft smile enters the AV world as a prestige exclusive actress! A beautiful girl with a calm heart that does not stain anything exposes her bare skin in front of the camera! A smile that warms the surroundings, a lustrous bust that grows on clear soft skin, and curiosity about the pleasure that erupts with embarrassment
10分 柔らかな笑みを浮かべる21歳の美少女『藤江史帆』がプレステージ専属女優としてAV界に進出!何にも染まらぬ穏やかな心を持つ美少女がカメラの前に素肌をさらけ出す!周囲に温もりを与える笑顔、透き通るような柔肌に実る艶やかなバスト、恥ずかしさと共に沸き上がる快楽への好奇心