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First Shot Distorted Beautiful Face Climax Unknown A Slender Beauty With A Career As A Former Announcer In The Active Age The Foolery Of Broadcasting Accidents Spreads AV Application On The Net AV Experience Shooting 1289

The subject of the first shoot today is 25-year-old former free announcer Chihaya. She, who is accustomed to the camera, has a tense look at what she is about to do. His hobbies are golf, and he has a sense of industry, but he does not tell the inside story in detail. However, he tells about his love affairs nakedly, revealing that he has no boyfriend for years. Talk about your motivation with a determined look... 本日初撮影の被写体は、元フリーアナウンサーの千早さん25歳。カメラには慣れている彼女も、これから始まる行為に緊張した面持ちをしている。趣味はゴルフと、業界感を匂わせるが、詳しい裏話はしてくれない。しかし、恋愛事情は赤裸々に語ってくれて、何年も彼氏がいないと明かす。意を決した表情で応募動機を話してくれ…
