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Yuki Katahira Married Woman Who Feels Resentment In Her Life As A Full Time Housewife

A married woman who feels resentment in her life as a full-time housewife. Before she got married, she worked as an office lady who was everywhere, and she said that it was her longing to get married and become a full-time housewife. Meanwhile, a prince of Hakuba appeared in front of her, and she became a long-sought housewife, but it seems that she was not a sweet thing in reality ... She is treated like a servant by her husband, who is a little older than her, and she is a servant at night. 専業主婦という生活に憤りを感じている人妻です。結婚前はどこにでもいるOLとして働いていたそうで、結婚して専業主婦になることが憧れだったという。そんな中、彼女の目の前に白馬の王子が現れ、念願の専業主婦になったが現実は甘いモノでは無かったらしい…。一回り年上のご主人からは召使の様に扱われ、夜の営みではオ…

