Airi-chan The President Of A Certain Luxury Underwear
Midori Aoyama, the president of a certain luxury underwear maker who consented to appearing in AV at Deeps and played the role of an advertising tower himself, also appeared in Sadistic Village. She took her hypnotist with her hypnotist under the pretext of a brief meeting, visited her company in Aoyama and gave her her hypnosis, and the mask of her spear-handed career woman stripped off, just a spear. It turned into a longing female dog.
ディープスにてAV出演を承諾し自ら広告塔の務めを果たした某高級下着メーカーの代表取締役社長 青山翠がサディヴィレにも出演。簡単な打ち合わせという口実で催眠術師を連れ、青山の会社を訪問し彼女に催眠術を施すと、ヤリ手のキャリアウーマンの仮面は剥げ落ち、ただのヤリたがりの牝犬と化したのだった。