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Sarina Neat And Naive College Student

When I meet, a youthful, neat and naive college student. When I talked, I was wondering why such a girl was, but I heard various things because I thought it was a rare opportunity. She dreamed of being an idol or an actress in her parents' house, went to her idol office, Sukuru, and occasionally appeared on TV. She also learned fuger skating and French when she was in elementary school. She started playing the flute from the middle of the 1st grade, and she was actually a rich lady in an environment where musical instruments were playing in the houses around her. She believed she couldn't make a boyfriend for an idol and she couldn't do SEX, and she didn't even kiss until she was 20 years old. She was desperate because she gave up on being an idol in her second year of college, and she thought she wouldn't let her parents know if it was a matching app, so she dedicated her virginity to a man she knew, including her three boyfriends. Experienced with 7 people in between. She shyly tells her that her boyfriend is also a normal sexual intercourse, and she didn't get much pleasure and just masturbated and felt comfortable. When she talked to her, she was quiet, kind and obedient, she couldn't find a man in the remote class, she was lonely and missed, and she argued that there were a lot of videos on the site and she agreed. 会うと、若々しく、清楚で純情そうな大学生。会話すると何でこんな女の子がと不思議に思っていましたが滅多にない大チャンスと思い色々聞きました。実家暮らしでアイドルや女優を夢見て、アイドル事務所のスークールに通って、たまにテレビにも出ていたという彼女。習い事も小学生の頃フュギャースケートやフランス語を習い、中1からフルートを始めた彼女、周りの家でも楽器が鳴っていたという環境で実はお金持ちのお嬢様。アイドルは彼氏を作ちゃいけないし、SEXもやっちゃいけないと信じ20才までキスもしてなかった彼女。大学2年でアイドルを諦めた事から自暴自棄になり、マッチングアプリなら親にバレないと思い、知り合った男に処女を捧げ、彼氏3人も含め、あっという間に7人と経験。今の彼氏も普通なエッチで、あまり快感を得られずオナニーばかりやって気持ち良くなっていたと、恥ずかしそうに話す彼女。話してみると大人しくて優しく素直、リモート授業では男も見つからず、寂しくて人恋しくなり、口説いてサイトの動画なら一杯あるしバレないと思い承諾。
