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Sumire Ohno 1

Mr. Ohno who was a receptionist of a famous company. She is said to have refined her beauty as well as her behavior as a signboard of the company. Meanwhile, she seems to have met like a trendy drama and got married to her, but then her life of Mr. Ohno goes crazy ... It was the director of her business partner's company who shot her, and when it was discovered inside the company that she was dating, it seems that her colleague's female employee bullies her and even male employees look unpleasant. It is said that it has become. As a result, she retires and becomes a housewife, but when she enters the family she suffers from a feud with her mother-in-law. 某有名企業の受付嬢をしていた大野さん。会社の看板として立ち振舞いはもちろん、美貌にも磨きをかけていたという。そんな中、トレンディードラマのような出会いがあり結婚に至ったそうだが、それから大野さんの人生は大きく狂っていく…。彼女を射止めたのは取引先の会社の取締役で、交際していることが社内に発覚すると同僚の女性社員からのイジメ、さらに男性社員からはイヤらしい目で見られるようになってしまったという。その結果、退職し専業主婦になるのだが家庭に入ると今度は姑との確執に苦しめられることに…。

